This year’s edition of the TelSec Telecommunications Security Forum took place on November    21-22, 2023 at the Folwark Łochów hotel. The guest of honor was Professor Adam Bodnar, who gave a lecture entitled “Security and privacy in the network of new technologies – searching for balance and optimal institutional solutions.”

The professor emphasized that the appropriate proportion in this respect depends on appropriate legal regulations as well as the awareness of decision-makers, who should have proper knowledge of what tools the services have at their disposal and what the scope of activities they undertake is. Only in this way can we ensure that the available tools are used for appropriate purposes and not, for example, political purposes.

Two days of the conference, eight panels and numerous questions and discussions in the backstage gave us an injection of substantive knowledge supported by experience. In addition to topics such as international security and security regulations, the issue of AI was also discussed. The selection of this year’s Agenda was very interesting. We listened with bated breath to all the speeches from the large audience. Thank you very much for being part of this event.

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